
Activation Stage


The Activation Stage is when you embark on your journey to collaborate, to innovate and to change the world!

1. Gather your crew:

  • Create a team of 2-5 students. Invite students from other schools, cities, states or even countries to collaborate without borders. Having the right team members is a key ingredient for our successful teams.

  • Recruit a coach. This can be a teacher, parent, subject-matter expert or other qualified mentor over the age of 18.

2. Register your team: All of your team members and your coach will register through our Conrad Portal under one account. As part of registration, you and your legal guardian must review the Student Guide, the Rules & Regulations and Terms & Conditions which apply to all participants.

Activation Stage IS NOW CLOSED!


Lean Canvas Stage


The Lean Canvas Stage is when you’ll brainstorm ideas, select your innovation, lay out the details and take an invaluable first step on your entrepreneurial journey.

1. Ideate: Partner with your teammates to brainstorm different challenges to address and explore innovative solutions. You’ll find some great resources on how to come up with viable ideas in our Student Resource Library.

2. Complete your Lean Canvas: A Lean Canvas is a widely adopted tool used by founders to quickly map out the fundamentals of a new venture while in the early stages of the idea. In the Lean Canvas, you’ll share your early thoughts to 12 questions that outline your innovation, your market and your business model. Keep it brief: you’re limited to a maximum of 40 words for most questions.

3. Choose your name and category: You’ll now finalize a name for your innovation and a Challenge category in your Conrad Portal. If your team has changed its name since the Activation Stage, please go back to the “Getting Started” tab and revise it. Your name should be the same in both tabs.



Innovation Stage


The Innovation Stage is where you will bring it to life and begin designing, creating and telling us your plan for success!

1. Write your Innovation Brief: The Innovation Brief is the most important submission item reviewed by the Judges in the Innovation Stage. You’ll answer 10 essential questions that will tell your story, describe your innovation and its impact, detail your progress, explain your market and propose your business model.

2. Complete your Innovation Video: Your Innovation Video is a 3-5 minute demonstration of your innovation. In the video, you’ll give us a tour of an Innovation Model. You may use sketches, 3D models, storyboards, wireframes, physical prototypes or any other visual artifact to achieve this.

3. Create your website: All teams must create a website that describes your team, innovation and intended impact to the general public.

Innovation Stage Entry Fee: $499

Discounts are offered to teams who have financial constraints. Please email

Innovation Stage is Now closed!

a group of judges will score your submission in the Conrad Portal according to the Scoring Guide and provide your team with feedback for your innovation. We will release judge feedback and announce Conrad Innovator and Finalist teams in February 2025!

Power Pitch Stage


The Power Pitch Stage is when you present your innovation on a global stage and compete for Conrad’s top distinction.

1. Welcome to Space Center Houston: At the Conrad Challenge Innovation Summit, our top teams from the Innovation Stage are named Finalists and invited to pitch their innovations at Summit to our live panels of Judges. In addition, during Summit our Finalists, Judges, alumni and other members of the Conrad Community come together for a multi-day event full of dynamic workshops, tours, community sessions and speakers!

2. Prepare your Power Pitch: You’ll distill your year’s work into a presentation with pitch slides for our Judges as well as an executive briefing deck that will serve as pre-reading.

3. Present your innovation: You’ll pitch your innovation under the bright lights to a live panel of Judges, comprised of top experts across industry, government and academia. You’ll participate in a Q&A with the Judges and answer questions about your technology, your impact, your business model and other topics.

4. Win top honors: If you are on the highest scoring team in your category, you’ll be named a Pete Conrad Scholar and receive prizes such as scholarships, pro-bono legal and consulting services and Dell Latitude Laptops!

The COnrad Challenge Innovation Summit - April 22-25, 2025 I SPACE CENTER HOUSTON


Life After Conrad


Conrad Innovators: Celebrating Excellence!

The Conrad Innovator distinction will be awarded to all individuals on a student team that excelled at all Innovation Stage requirements, as determined by our Judges. This merit of excellence signals that each student team member is among the very top innovators of their generation. Conrad Innovators receive numerous awards, including academic scholarships to esteemed universities and admission to entrepreneurial accelerators.